Finally! ive been making these id cards for longer than i care to remember... but finally they are done so all those getting cards from me - nothin to worry about here's a pic of some of em i just finished, my blood sweat n tears went into these bloody things
Re: Finally! Spud dude, u are a star, but why aint mine pnk??! Nah just kiddin dude, they look awesome, u shall be rewarded for all your efforts
if mines got a pink ribbon on mate ur dead nah only messin mate, nice1! hope i can make the meet up!! if not ill see u peeps on the dancefloor and if i grab ur name tag just give me a slap and say hello!!
Thanks a lot mate, really appreciated. We should be in Vuzz around 9.30pm, so I will see everyone soon.
Re: Finally! cheers spudd dude, i am very gratefull, later my friend, ill get u a drink in promise or egypt cottege, whichever i see ure arse in first.
i haev a blue one aswell... me and rufus are manly girls is it ok spud, if i change the writing to white? cos the orange will clash with my pink top!!! pretty please! its the same badge, jsut differnt colour text!