Would rather have a decent cd deck. final scratch is ok but not very practical if your playing out! Good fun though!
it is VERY portable - and as long as u have setup beforehand - wont affect anyone.......... u can have it all plugged in but dont need to use it - can use normal vinyl/cd's as u wud.... it really is groovy
yeah, I've seen them in action mate. Would be very good for myself coz I dont have transport. But they are ok!
would I be right in saying if you put the needle anywhere on the record the mp3 will still start from the beginning???:spangled:
I aint too sure about that mate. Ring global dj centre on 01912303608 and ask any of the guys down there. They have been selling them for ages and have one on demo in the shop mate. Hope this helps
nope it works just like a real record man thats the whole pointbehind it i have used it before its the muts nuts
Ur confusing me m8 - hehe! All U need to take with u is, Scratch amp (no bigger than a plate), leads, however many of the FS records u wanna use (1 per deck) and a laptop... All this is a lot lighter and smaller than ya stardard record box/bag....
Na - the records are just digital signals which have timestamps on them.....so wherever u put needle, this has a corresponding timestamp...this will start playing that position of the mp3... 1 word to sum up final scratch, awesome! there is new software available for it now....making it even better!!
definately. just think jimmy was under impression he hadda carry this WITH all of his records and a bloody huge pc final scrath is TINY and easily transportable...
u cud do i s'pose - but id rather have all me records ripped to mp3...then save the originals from wear n tear! plus a whole lot easier to carry about a laptop with 100000000000's of mp3's and a couple of final scratch records than it is to carry a few thousand records
yeah, but i think CD decks rock. so versitile + easy to use. cue point memory with yuor flash card, and loads of other funky features...!
yeh i agree in a way - some of the new cd decks are awesome!!!! cud use them WITH final scratch tho!!!! both happy then