Fergie Tune ID There was a tune Fergie played that really stuck in my head and I'm hoping someone will know what its called. It was that long ago that I can only really remember the breakdown bit, but I'll try and explain it: It had drum rolls (kind of like that of a marching band type thing) then some bongo's would come in, then back to drum rolls and it went on a few times like that going back and forth before the beat came back in. It was kinda funky techno'y style from what I remember. I know its not a very good desciption but I reckon if you had heard the tune, you'd know what I meant. Cheers in advance.
Don't suppose you know if its been released or when its gonna be do you??? I've check a few websites and none of them have even heard of it. Cheers.
Remember when I kept going on about Mistress Barbara at Godskitchen? Well I asked the tall bloke in Global DJ and he gave me a few tunes she played. Loads of DJs have been caining this including Fergie. I was under the impression it's already been released, but the guy in the shop probably just knows his tunes. It's quality. Everyone up here loves it *Safri duo techno's it*
This may be the tune that Halliwell played @ Promise Vs GG @ Trees that I was looking for. Gona have to go listen to it
Its not even on the HTF site, normally tunes are on there, but you just have to put a shitty never-gonna-get-sent-out-till-you've-bought-it-from-somewhere-else back order on it.
I know the feeling m8. Post a thread on the fergie message board www-dj-fergie.com I bet someone will find it for u within a few days(theres only 50 members)
yeah eddie played this tune at TT. its on the hmv site! top tune!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember when fergie played it at the arena and at promise