Fergie on R1..anyone listening? He's live from Godskitchen and I've got to admit I've been impressed trancey with a little harder edged stuff!!! Methinks I would actually like to see him play Promise (has he before???) We know he'll draw a maybe less desirable crowd but if he's going to generate a bit of cashflow it can only be a good thing!! Just remembered is he due to play the birthday or sommit?
Aye, it's quite impressive Al, live from Gods. Can't chat cos I haven't got me MSN on, I've just got laptop and I'm installing loadsa updates so I haven't got MSN on yet. Here it comes...cameras ready....flash...flash...flash
Yeah it was alright better then the total techno wank that he play's every week on his show. Dissapointed that he didn't have Marco V on for half an hour at the end, that's what he did at his b'day at Lush.