Feet! What's good for your feet? I have really sore feet, loads of hard skin on them, etc, off wearing my boats for work, but I have no idea what's good for them! Any ideas?
Re: Feet! Feet are yuck. specially hairy ones :S but i find those little sachets you can get from superdrug...in the shape of little feet...they are dead nice, got like salts and stuff in, soothing and help with the dry skin. of course, if ur all man...and dont want to be buying girly foot stuff (althou im sure rachel will get them 4 u...if u pay for some for her ) just a good pumice stone helps with the dry skin, and then soak them in the washing up bowl filled with hot water (not too hot...ow!)
boots sell a really good cream bit pricy though but works well get a foot spa theyre good or i'll teach rachel how to give foot massages
Touching them is RANK! i dont know how people can enjoy SUCKING toes :sick: Last male feet i went near were m**t**'s and they have hair on the big toes
i hate feet but got over my fear of them through having to work with them at college cookee you shold have a pedicure on tuesday aswelll
Sasha, I really couldnt!! I kick out when people touch my feet! You'd end up going home with bruises!
can you do the oil thai type ones (reflexology) i got all the stuff so i can learn how to do them! Rachael, i can see the headlines during your holiday.. "Brit girl thrown in jail for violent foot syndrome" a young british woman was in jail last night after her foot had a violent episode during a foot massage on the island of koh samui yesterday...