Fcuk ok, it was quite amusing when it 1st started, bout 5 years ago, then it jus got a bit annoying... but still flogging the same shite idea after all this time? anal i know but it really pisses me off, why do people still buy it? cool as fcuk? ready to fcuk... not big or clever... are the fcuk designers taking too many drugs so they cannot think of any new designs or ideas??
There was hell on at my work with some of the t shirts getting worn by both lads and lasses ! I have never owned owt by them myself but it certainly took off thats for sure !
hahahahaha! happend at my place cause some wankers get offended by it! i keep wearin my t shirts just to piss people off even tho there suposed to banned! although they may be shit now they were in at one point!
i no the jobsworth arran knit jumper brigade of which u talk.. i had a written and verbal for flickin my finger at the old dear on desk opposite me... sum people
i defo want one of them for work like dude! where did u purchase that? i also went to work one day with my "fuck off im mixing" tshirt but i got sent home!
Old.... tired and boring... 6 years ago french connection was quite trendy - but now its rapidly losing its "cool". I still buy their clothes though, but usually the ones without obvious logo's and branding all over them. Bit pricey though.
shitty and overpriced but weve all got one . christ a remember buyin a 'mile high fcuck' just to wear on a plane going to greece! Theyve deffo had there day!
fuct and fcuk are two very different things... fuct was just fuct and the ford sign... fcuk made sentences and stuff out of it... It wasn't a rip. lol@people saying starting to fade, FCUK went out fo fashion while I was still @ school.
How can you say that fcuk isn't a rip off or fuct, it so clearly is. I've seen lots of plain tshirts/caps that said 'fuct' on them just like FC do now, almost exactly the same. I bet if fcuk came before fuct FC would of had their legal people telling fuct to stop selling the goods signting passing off as the reason.
Fuct, is a clever way of spelling fucked... It was never made to look like a senetnce - just stuck in a ford badge and sold to skaters. FCUK, if just left like that would never of sold one t-shirt, the genius came in sticking into sentences like FCUK ISN'T THIS A FUNNY SLOGAN (ho ho ho), it is in no shape or form ripping Fuct, they are both immitating a swear word - that isn't orriginal. Legend goes the idea came from the fax headers they saiud FC UK on them, the genius that is Nicole Fahri apparently saw this and turned it int one fo the greatest marketing ploys England has ever seen Nicole Fahri is genius
my mother still thinks to this day that the one and only I bought FCUK CUP, meant French Connection UK CUP, derrrrr. The only other statement type t-shirt I have is my blue one which has a toblerone bar on the front with the letters being replaced with suckmybone. for £20 it was a rip off, but quite humerous when my boss made me wear it inside out all day !