Favorite Small App * Proper geek post alert * Whats your Favorite Small App? Mines Text Inserter 1.0 To fall under the description "Small App" your app must be no bigger than 1 meg!! Get your apps out!
gozilla was mine back in the day (about 2 years ago... its the best!) ive just got this nu one... 50k for all u techheads.. that puts minidisc titles/trackmarkings from mp3.. v nice
u use the optical conection thingee apprantlee... i cant get it to work like :S theres a few on download.com
you're a proper saddo Pike Mine is Textpad, 1.8mb* Just a text editor, but it's got a key stroke macro thing, block-select, can open fucking HUGE files, multiple files... Just does everything a text editor should do, and well, and free! * breaks the rules I know, but fuck it, I'm called anarchy, rules are for you fool, not me!
... but as Pike is bigger than me... dMC Audio CD Input 255kb. Rips trax from CD to HD. Free, fast, let's you name files to anything you want, blah blah blah. If you're ripping lots of CDs, don't use naything else
I agree, the old winamp, before all this version 3 shite And winzip, where would we be without zip files ??