fat-pie dunno if this has already been mentioned, seen these vids at a mates the other night, they're funny as fuck go to www.fat-pie.com click devvo at the left hand side of the screen, scroll down and download the videos lol download devvo on tuesday first, what a legend
the bit with the basket salad fingers is the boyo, gonna have to get some shrooms or somet and watch em while under the influence.
how much shroomage should a first timer use? ave heard between a fiver and a tenners worth. is that salvia any good?
I always put it on when peeps are at the stage of no return, works like a treat everytime That and cracking out the vids on steakandcheese.com
i thought it might have been mentioned, done a search but cudnt find anything so thought id post it just incase hes a legend