Farewell Hooj... Dear Hooj Member, It is with deep regret that we have to inform you that Hooj Choons, as we know it, is no more. Following two years of fairly horrendous financial struggle, during which time we fought to trade our way out of mounting debt problems, we've had to call in the professionals to resolve matters once and for all. Naturally, this has come about as a direct result of: Sept 11/ any middle eastern conflict you care to name/ downloading/ the slump in the global economy/ music industry/ dance music industry... No, the truth is that as distinguished labels, clubs and magazines shut down around us, we failed to react quickly or effectively enough to what was going on. We thought we'd seen this happen before, and could work our way out of it, but this was a different kind of slump. It feels like we should write some kind of mini - obituary for Hooj at this point, but maybe everything that needs to be remembered about us is out there already: a hundred and thirty six releases spanning 13 years, all of them, for better or for worse, trying to live up to our original aim of remaining 'occasional providers of half decent house'. (Key members of staff will be carrying on the work of hooj.com, one of the few beacons of hope amongst the gloom of recent times, under a new name and ownership. Please see separate Hooj.com statement for details at the top of the board). Its been a long, and until recently, enjoyable ride and we thank everyone for their support over the past twelve years. Yours, The Hooj Mob
One of the best licencing labels ever! Some absolute classics on Hooj, Cafe Del mar, The Saga, Gamemaster................. the list could go on Its a shame
Indeed it is a shame, for what it dealt with, Hooj was an imporant label. Wonder if this means the end of Airtight too?