FAO Teesside Uni students... theres a new clubbing soc. @the uni an the more members the betta!? Rush news letter >to all members and peeps oo r interested lol, >On Tuesday the organisers of Rush - Chissi secretary, Dave treasurer, and >James chairman all attended a meeting. In the meeting we were told that we >were given a small amount of money to help towards travel costs for the >society. >Yesterday a stall was set up in the union promoting Rush and over the past >few weeks posters have put up around the university, since then a lot of >people have emailed me with requests for more information about the >society. >For those who wanted more information about Rush clubbing society here are >some questions and answers that will help you out > >Q. What is Rush? >A. Rush is a clubbing society. People who are members of rush will be able >to meet like minded people, go clubbing where every they want and dance to >the music they want. > >Q. What sort of music is Rush into? >A. Rush is mainly in to hard house, hard trance, and trance, and the tastes >of Rush wont change. > >Q. What clubs will Rush go to? >A. There is no set clubs that Rush will go to. Examples of clubs that Rush >will go to are cream, gatecrasher, godskitchen, insomniacz and so on. Just >like how Rushs music taste will change so will the clubs that Rush will go >to. >For more information on the clubs that Rush will be going to go to any of >these web sites, >*www.Goodgreef.com >*www.gatcrasher.com >*www.godskitche.com >*www.cream.co.uk >www.insomniacz.com >*www.Sundissential.com >*www.clubm.com >If thats not enough email me and ill tell you more about them. The clubs >that have been stared I have visited. > >Q. How much will travel cost? >A. We have been funded for 50% of all our travel, but the more people who >join Rush and go clubbing mean the price of travel will decrease. > >Q. How much will I save? >A. This depends of a number of factors. If a lot of people want to go to >Gatecrasher in Sheffield, it is much more cost effective if 50 people go >instead of 10. Rush is working on many ways to save you money. Sponsors >from clubs we visits will cut the cost of entrance, and maybe even on >travel depending on the sponsor. Student nights such as aqua and walkabout >have to be paid in advance sometimes; these tickets are usually sold by >societies to help raise money for them. Hopefully soon in the next month >Rush will be putting on a night in the student union this will also help up >raise more money. The night will most likely be playing hard house, hard >trance, and trance, any more suggestions are welcome. > >Q. Is there a Rush web site? >A. No not at the moment. There will be one set up in the next week using >MSN groups. To become of the website when it is formed you will need a >hotmail account. (www.hotmail.com) On the web site you will be able to >leave instant messages, and photos. > >Q. What events will Rush is going to? >A. As I have written already events and so on are set by the members if >there is any where you want to go please email back as soon as possible to >give me enough time to organise things. As it stands at the moment we will >be going to the following >All possible events are subject to confirmation. >But please email me with suggestions. >March 15th good greef tall trees entrance - 10/8members coach to be >arranged >More details http://www.goodgreef.com/index.asp >March 29th gatecrasher the repbulic shefield entrance 17.50 coach to be >arranged >More details http://www.gatecrasher.co.uk/connected/events/welcome.html >19th april godskitchen at the N.E.C arena birmingham entrance - 33 + >booking fee >more details - http://www.godskitchen.com/nec/index.htm >Sunday 20th april tall trees good greef 10/15 - coach to be arranged >More dretails >http://www1.gurn.net/forums/goodgreef/listings/displaylistings.php?catagory=talltrees > >Q. Right I like the sound of Rush how do I sign up? >A. To become a member of rush all you need to do is to go to main reception >in the student union ask to become a member of Rush clubbing Soc. > >Q. What do I need to become a member of Rush? >A. You will need your N.U.S card and five pounds for the membership fee. > >Q. What do I get with my membership? >A. In the near future you will receive membership to Good Greef nightclub. > >Q. What kind of music does Good Greef play? >A. Good Greef plays hard house, hard trance, and funky house. > >Q. Where is Good Greef? >A. Good Greef travels all over the country but is mainly in tall trees club >m, and Manchester. > >Q. What if I dont have an N.U.S. card? >A. If you dont have an N.U.S. card there is another way you can join. If >you already work at any part of the university you can become an associate >member of the student union. Two members have already done so and found >procedure very easy. All you have to do is to go to main reception where >you could become a member of Rush anyway and ask to become an associate >member of the student union. Please bring with you a passport size photo >and you staff card. > >Q. I have studied my degree at the university but no longer go there can I >become a member? >A. Yes you can if you would like more details about how you do this please >get in contact with >Elaine Fryett >Student Activities & Development Manager >University of Teesside >Students' Union >Tel: 01642 384460 >Fax: 01642 384462 >Email: E.Fryett@tees.ac.uk > >Q. I want to find out more about the society who do I get in contact with. >A. Please email any of the following. > >James Chair stickyhead@hotmail.com >Christina - Secretary chrisi_79@hotmail.com >Dave Treasurer - B2045739@tees.ac.uk > >Or visit the Rush website http://groups.msn.com/rushclubbingsociety > once you join the web site (you need a hotmail to account to do so) you can post your photos, and as many messages as you like. >From Rush clubbing society. > >
no mate... alarm woke me up but my body jus wouldn't get up... too tired for some reason!? take it u weren't there either then...
na i didnt go either, got up and decided not to go, could soooo not be assed wif Breckon!!!!!! went to work instead!!! mmm maybies, cant believe we get our loans on the 28th of april, wot a load of shite that is!!! this rush fing? give it too us in brief? aint read it yet?
a fiver to join an we all go 2 clubs round the country wi less travel costs an maybe less ticket costs too... u like stuff like scott project an avatar - red planet an things? (trance, hardish) cos i've got a cd if ya want it? u in TBHM on fri?
rush the dj society? good idea like! spend a fortune on travel costs! ie crasher! will see wot happens! applied for a hardship fund on mon, hope i get it like!
na i dont dont do TBHM! do that nxt yr if i pass! u got a lot to do? still aint done epidemiology yet! fuk!!!
clubbin society... diff from the dj soc i think... my mate got rejected for hardship, hes so pissed off now!? had 2 borrow money off my dad 2day cos my card was rejected @ supermarket... gutted. got £130 to last me til next loan... Boo!
that must of been embarrasing? i got 20p left! hehe! get paid tomoz, but that is going on my rent mny! probs will have about £20 for tidy!!!! hope i dont get rejected! told them i wanted £200 for the nxt 4 weeks!!! will be very pissed off if i dont get it!!! grr
luckily had my credit card on me... not v. good, havin 2 ring father up @ work an ask for money cos i need to go out an get fucked... ahh well gonna ask him 2 lend me money for a digi cam for "my diisertation" (really for tidy!) an gonna pay him back in the summer, really hope that works!? fuckin hate havin no money, need a new mixer but can't afford anythin till loan comes in. gutted.
great deal on at dixons - £300 digi cam down too £150, its fookin well cool! finks it ends tomoz tho? only 3 left as well! if i had £150 id buy it! its a nikon? i fink? or cannon? if ya cum in tomoz i wont try and sell you any insurance?
dont kno any deals on cammies? u right tho they r cooler!!!! i feel like im always skint!!!! get the loan then its gone? my money management skills r totally shit! i need some guideance? any one?
haha me to, already been planning wot im gonna spend it on! dont wanna go home for summer, all my mates live up here!
wish i had the chance to plan, already been spent. summer rocks, earning money so dont feel as bad bout spending so much of it... also can go 2 housewives an rehab more...