hes a twat! all he does is put people down, i know he can cause a lot of shit and take a lot of it, i knew that wouldnt upset him at all, i would never say anything like that to someone who was just gay, i said it to him cos he pisses me off so much
I just cant stand his "Im a victim cos im gay attitude" Its not like its anything uncommon and hes not dieing, so fuk knows why he acts like he does...
Wouldn't upset him? You know him well enough to say that? I'm sure I would be fuckin upset if you said that to me!
Yeah, and I bet he hasn't had to put up with loads of shite all his life just because he is gay either!!!
it was a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS im gettin so pissed off with this board now like just drop it! THE END