Alrite mate Couldn't be bad, I'm ok and yourself? Did you have a goodun at north, sorry I wasn't there, after Crasher I wasn't feeling all that up to it, I ended up going home that afternoon instead and went straight to bed I don't think I fully recovered from being ill over xmas, Crasher took it out of me I think
I'm coping! Think a few ppl were like that cos alot said they were going but didnt turn up. It was a ok in there but id lost a lot ov energy after crasher. Some of the music was mint tho, esp Paul Glazby playing evil hard, but it got repeated a lot!
Cheers hun. Was on Monday n is shit time cos straight after NYE so mainly celebrated it then but got pissed at home. Hows u?
Well u can have ur opinion but i liked his set. It was sameish throughout the night tho. I heard Mark Gray - 99.9 played bout 5 times