I could of used a PM but chose not to as its a joke that a few members of the board will get ( well i hope ) If i had sent a PM, it won't have got the disire effect
Fuck me, wish I hadn't of asked now. What you not out for then? Are you going to Angie's tomorrow? Are you taking the Manager's job at the pub or whatever you said?
I aint out as i'm in pain and shit loads of it went out at 1-30 today did'nt manage to finish a pint cos of my throat I think i have an infection cos even talking herts The way i'm feeling at the moment no I feel like complete shit!! Probs not i reckon staying at college to finish my course is the best thing Then Uni ( as if ) Anycase how comes u're not out? Are do u have the bairn? were u out and about down the fair today?
Yeah I think me and ian are going to go over. You get a lift off us if ya going. I'm sure after a few sweets you would forget about the terrible pain your in. Yeah I have got the bairn. Got him on thursday night and taken him back on Saturday, quality that is. Only went to the fair for a bit, it was too packed. Going to go back throught the week to use the token's up on the Waltzer, I love that.
Yeah but for how long, i wonder? I'll see how i feel 2moro i aint felt so ill before ever I used to love the waltzer until a mate fell off and broke his arm
Ooops! Hadn't realised this thread had been started on Wednesday night! I thought it was tonight! Hence the fact I used a quote from Ali G which was on at 10pm tonight on C4!
LMFAO at this. I watched it tonight and got the joke but I was wondering why you had posted it in this theard. Ali G was class tonight like. I liked the gay fashion dude. It was also fucking class when he was singing at the baseball ground
Yeah, it was him at the baseball match. He sang this stupid Arabic song on the mike for ages. Then he went in the showers with all the players after the match. They all thought he was a proper reporter from Pakistan LMAO.