FAO R U Tribal ? Go home ya greedy twat How u doing ? Shit being @ home - mam n me sister ar kicking right fucking off so i bet keep out way ! Im thinking of getting them Sony Headphones :spangled:
alreet son, still here doing nowt it's a hard life @ t-mobile. would advise against the sonys like, you know what happened to mine if I were you I would learn to mix first before you spend all ur hard earned on gear come to drews tomorrow night will give you a few lessons, will be on vextax like but you can't have it all giz a bell the morra I'm off all day
ur totally right like coz for me getting them its just wasting the £££ - ive been ok on Vestax before coz i find it easier to beat match on them - not the class u n ur mates are in like but u know what i mean Aye ill save me money and not get into more debt ! Im using them one u gave me that were Aspins @ the moment as there better than the shitty ones that i got when i got me decks ! Shit when ya @ work like - hope ya get that other job im going for some jobs thru an agency coz they were impressed with me CV and the money is better - shame the lass who took me call sounded like she had just walked outa Longbenton
will you be partaking in some beer this w/end ? come to drews new gaff tomorrow, I'll pick u up in my passion wagon. his new gaff is totally detached so we can blast it as loud as mine. doddy rekons he's shit with that vestax mixer I always said the punk can't mix for toffee
Ill be out on Saturday with the crew like Big D has asked if he struggles anymore can he have a lend of his old one back to do some CD's his new one is spot on i think but obviously the lads struggling on it so cant fault him - he will probably get used to it in the end ! Whats crack for weekend are u going out n getting pissed or staying ok coz of work ??
sorry for interupting lads, but are you not out on friday Johnny boy. You got to come see the Judge. did you go to see him the last time at prom, he fooking rocked the place
Im on earlys all w/end so I am limited as to what I can do, as per usual anyway this new job if I get it is between 18-20 k. Ibiza anyone
Stephen > I am out friday and always have been Johhny > Its shit when ya have to work lke but then again think of the ££ thats all ya can do - i would do same but really i should be looking more and more for new one ideally passing me test to get to Cassies easier @ the weekends n all that ! Least ull be out