That was Danny a lad i know from going the Tiesto gig's... he's sound, i'll speak to him during the week so i'll ask him if he was a bit scared! Sure he was'nt though.
did he? lol... he could'nt frighten anyone danny... he's too nice. Did you just lunge a finger into his back? he'll be sound all four of us were :spangled: :spangled: :spangled: :spangled:
haha definatly! i'll ask him what the scenario was them hours i spent with you's was a blur but i remember being in the polyselxual tent absaloutly :spangled: and confused! and nearly getting lost
Woah!!! i aint a sly dog i deleted it The pics WILL be done this weekend! im havin problems with imagestation... gonna use Dan's account tommorrow... i'll get my head chop'd of if i don't get these one's up! Soz bout Danny Jess, did i not intro you to him?! Rach this was a different Danny! But i spoke to Jonny on the phone not long back, said he fanceys comming up to Promise Linzi your the sly dog
No im quite glad you didn't introduce me to him he looked like Bowser/mongoloid sloth/viking/disco dave!