Fao Mark Promise & Everyone R.E Promise - The Future! Alright mark, not wanting to tell you how to do your job, BUT - Its obvious that something had to be done to get attendances up & you`ve implimented these changes to try & do this, you say you dont blame the ppl. on the board - just yourself for listening to them, well IMO its like this, the ppl. on this board are extremely knowledgeable where trance is concerned on the whole, they know who is hot or not, what has happened is most of the ppl. you have booked have been awesome dj/producers but have gone right over the heads of the masses, rather like the `Shack booking Armin last yr. & no one turning up `coz at the time he did`nt mean anything to the ppl. of teesside, by booking these ppl. Promise has gotten itself a lot of respect, but as attendances have been poor, little else, going down the commercial route will IMO undo all the good work & get promise the reputation of a has been/sell out club, like a few other clubs out there, your line ups for the next few months look similiar to Progress in derby in style & we all know how well they are doing, fine bring in commercial DJ`s to get a crowd, but continue to book respected DJ`s alongside them - on the same night, its about depth of line up - only going down that route will you get bigger attendances & save your credibility, the more good DJ`s you have on the one line up, the more reaction you will see from the clubbers, starting with tonight - i`ll be there - simply `coz it looks class! ShinySY! P.S Any chance of set times for tonight?!?!?
thats exactly what he is doing i think. commercial line ups pay for less know ppl.....(hemstock for example) i dont think promise will change that much. just get a bit harder (unfortunatly) set times probably tulip till 12 12-3 Yves + MIKE b2b
Yeah, but Davey P. has been booked & that is gonna attract obvious criticism, if it funds better nights that wont generate as much money, so be it, going down the HH route though, it could end up like Progress where they get an initial positive reaction from these clubbers, switch to wall to wall HH, when this drops off they`ve alienated their regular crowd & are up the creek without a paddle, i hope this does`nt happen `coz promise has been like a beacon in the north east, where everything else is crap! I thought as much with them set times, its gonna rock !!! ShinySY!
yeah i agree, it is unfortunate that its going a lot harder, i for one hate HH, but if thats what makes the £ dave pearce attendance will pay for the likes of john o'bir, hemstock etc, its no point in putting the 'cooler', underground dj's every week if the club aint making money
Your missing my point, yeah book commercial DJ`s, but on the same night also have a lesser known respected DJ on. E.G Judge Jules, THRILLSEEKERS - seen this DJ @ Golden last w/e & he rocks!!! Or Davey P., Hemstock & Jennings. Obviously this way Promise is covering all bases, catering for all ppl., getting the money in from the commercial DJ present on the line up & retaining credibility by booking a lesser known but talented DJ! Beleive me its all about line up strength on the night, thats how the big clubs became big, by having the biggest, best line ups, week in, week out, its all well & good to say they are`nt doing so well now, but GC is packed out monthly & GK is doing nicely & besides Promise is still fresh & IMO would go into overdrive if this policy was taken on! ShinySY!
I see where ya comin from. book crowd pullers with dj's that are new and have something fresh to offer.
Yeah, but on the same night, myself & loadsa ppl. i know would`nt get outta bed for a 1 DJ line up, the more quality that is packed into one night the more interest it will generate, hopefully like tonight.................. ShinySY!