FAO Jezzabell Shea says hi.....he rekons he cant get on here for some reason so he has consoled himself playin yahoo pool.....
You have got msn messenger...add him to your contact list "sheascott2002@hotmail.com" then i dont have to be the messenger and piss people off by keep on posting seemingly pointless FAO's, thanx
iv added ya. this person whos thingy ya useing, well i was reading loaded 2day and i saw this pic and sure it was drawn by him, even sed cheap as chips on the bottom... is this just coicidence???? dont even ask me why i was reading this mag by the way..... and how do ya play pool on yahoo?
well was summit a certain person sed on saturday and just found it amusing so decided i wud use it, and as 4 loaded, well erm u see it was erm cos erm...... ner was just in the car coming home cos was bored so thort, hmmm think ill hav a flick through this! me msn is lynsey_penman@hotmail.com rather simple really
so thats who you are!!! you added me to your msn and i dont even know who you are! i was well confuzzled!:spangled:
i dunno how i even added u ya know? u just appeared on me msn, i thort u must hav added me..... im more comfused now o well least now ya know who i am.....
im not famous outside the promise walls....sorry, werent me who drew the pic, any chance of scanning it and posting it up on here...it intreags me...
as i dont have this magazine.... was toms... dont hav this picture, sooooo i will ask him 4 it and try and get it scanned 4 ya cud take a few days tho wont see him till saturday.