FAO Glitter Angel hiya kerry hows you?? been up to much?? how come you didn't come SSnorth new years day you missed a great night (or if you were there sowwy for not seeing you) francis x
*waits for the "use pm's" shouts" im fine thanx, didnt do sundis, went to a party on NYE and had a mint time, i dont think i could have made it to sundis on NYD, from what i remember its all a bit of a blurr. heard it wasnt that good anyway so im not that bothered i missed out, i was donig better things hows u anyway?
it was good but far far far too busy, great atmosphere and great tunes though (i spent the last half hour in the dj box) i'm ok (sort of) just moved to sheffield a couple of weeks ago, moved into this 9 bedroom student apartment we've got a certain ex of yours almost permanently living in our living room, i'm desperately looking for a job at the mo need one to pay my rent (i've even put an application in at mcdonalds i'm that desperate), i'm feeling fairly miserable though to be honest cos my girlfriend just dumped me but apart from that i'm doing fine
i'm ok, just moved to sheffield the other week, currently unemployed though and need to find 3 months rent in the next week or so, been clubbing far too much (especially over xmas) think i'm gonna calm things down a bit now
hehehe...comes to us all!! a rest never did any1 any harm.......people, music and clubs will still be there at the end of it
thats coz they get old and borin........but if its in yer blood ul go bak to it dont think i could do without clubbin.....but i like to have breaks now n then.