fao - geordie geordie u still goin down to crasher on sat! theres a few of us goin for the weekend wonderin if u fancied meetin up?? i wont be half as smashed as i was last time i promise!!
Ur always fucking hammered Looks like me and Nicky will be going Probs be getting the bus but if its full then were just getting the train down coz i cant see the club itself selling out this time of year - if ya on bus ill make sure nee one takes the piss like last time What a fucking Journey the NEC both there n back was - i still cant believe i got all the flyers and bags n me ticket on the monday after and i got in nearly hr after all rest CUNTS !!!!!
were drivin down on fri afternoon!! stayin at a mates down there!! is nick the on that jamie knows?? who was takin the piss outa me on the bus part from fatty? ill c ya there but i neva been b4 im bound to get lost
Uve never been to Gatecrasher ?? I thought u had....... Should be good weekend like Nicky is the one that ur mate knew aye