Aww glad u had fun! My batteries were a bit low so didn't make it to promise! Whoopsy! But it was nice to c so many people afterwards! Magicman impressed us wiv his card talents...u should witness it hun! Tis amazing!!!! R u going out next friday...u will be there for GK won't u?!! Hope so...will be great to c u again!
oh my god yeah total and utter respect to magic paul with that card trick that was soooo unbelievably amazing well done magic paul!! (clap clap clap) hiya fufu darlin by the way hope u r okay it was luverly 2 see u again on friday, will see u 2nite if ur still goin xxxxx
Hiya hun! As always, it was lovely seeing u! x MWA! x I'm gutted that I won't be out tonight...hope it's a success cos Simon E deserves it - he's a gem! Not feeling 100% - nothing serious, bit of flu?... but not up to much more than slobbing in front of TV Should be out next weekend tho! Yay!
LOL you were impressed I was even more impressed that it worked the state I was in!! I promise to come prepared to do an even more amazing magic trick next week he he actually doing magic when spangled is rather fun!! I was a wikkid party I'm looking forward to next week!!!
OMG marmite how cruel were you lot making me taste that.... Anyone who actually eats that stuff is sick sick sick!!!
Oh yeah I did a magic trick @ jays afterwards. I'll do better magic tricks next week just for you marissa!!
LMAO @ U!!!! Wish i could see ur face again after tasting that. U ran off to the toilet very quickly Marmite makes me high Dunno why
I don't even know why I tried it I knew I hated the stuff!! Come to think of it I always end up doing very stupid attaching cable ties to my wrist. Don't do that kids. It ain't a good idea....
hope u feel betta fufu hun get well soon!! r u still goin 2 gk i'll prob c u there chick see you soon anyway take care lotsa luv hugs n kisses rachel xxxx
Aww fankie sweetie!!! x MWA! x I'm feeling better now...gulping down calpol - does the trick! I'll deffo be there for GK - can't wait to see everyone!!! Yay! I finks I'm gonna be there for JFK too....
Hiya u all want to be comin to gems party on fri before jfk. starts at 7 at 14e richardson rd near newcastle uni. all welcome. (apart from marrisa's boyfriend)
Hiya hun!!! Yay - ur back on the board!!! I can't make Gemma's do So's my friend's 18th & I'll be hung off the rafters if I don't go! But I'll see u in there! x MWA! x
Thats no good is it your goin to miss the best line up off the nite with big dave che and hopefully cyberted and ste doin sets. But not to worry cos al c u at promise. my friend is comin up from sheff to cant wait. YAY
Ooo sounds fantabulous! I wanna go!!! *stamps foot* I might try & escape friend's party early! If I can't make it...hope u all have fun!
i kna mate, i rememba walking past u and u had this thing attached to your arm.. i was a bit concerned it was going to stop ur circulation cos you kept pulling it to get it off and making it tighter..