FAO any of my lot who i tortured wif singing that old skool tune all weekend... ...well jules has just fookin played it!!! hahaha....as if!! tis a hard version aswell but not the hard version ive been harpin on about! tis still well good though! hope rachels been taping it!!
tis that beats international tune- just be dub to me (or woteva its called) the version i was on about was a bouncey hard housish type tune and sounded mint...better than the version jules played tonight anybody any ideas where i can find the one im on about?
thanx bri u are a legend!! the more i think about it though it could have been a more funky/electro version im talkin about... ...cant really remember to be honest...all i know is that the vocal was faster than the original and it sounded all fresh
Found some...ermmmm....suepect ones like!!! Elvis & JXL vs Beats International - A Little Less Good To Me Darude vs Beats International - Just Be Good To Me (Dubstorm) Nalin & Kane - Just Be Good To The Beachball & also - the most likely a think - a version which was in a folder called "Electro Mixes" - so cud be it!!! Shall see
Beats international - dub be good to me That the one.. Classic that 'your listening to the boys from the big bad city,this is damn hot,this is damn hot'
thats the one yeah (he mentions further up ) tank 5 boss walk jam nitty gritty, your listening to the boys from the big bad city, this is jam hot! this is jam hot! tis indeed a corker hunting down the newer version now - if that fails dave av found the acapella so u can make ya own version ?
what u using to get em bri cos ive got kazaa n could download em off there? when i type in the title though it just brings up the original version...
still stuck in queue fallin asleep ere so bed goto bed before i injure myself shall hopefully be all done in mornin tho!!
fear not kiddies for i have the tune on tape due to my obsessive "taping jules every week" behaviour!! think theres about a million n one remixes of the original which is called 'just be good' but the one jules is playing is by dj emerson.... hav got it on tape though if ya havent managed to get it off kazzar!! xxx
Rachel to the rescue the versions av managed to download are WELL SHADY!!!!!! the electro version is...errr.....CACK! the one i got anyway.....its well slow!!! obviously not the version u meant dave