FAO: aLLIe AnD OrBiT!!!!!!! Did I not meet u guys at naughty last night?????? If I did then how are u two???????? Keepin it real I hope!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Oh for fuck's sake. You had to dig out the worst possible picture of me you could didn't you?! Yeah Kel, Nass told me who ya were. Sorry for not being very conversational, was a bit busy playing Rocky.
rocky??? u couldnt punch ur way out of a wet paper bag mate! bet ur good at weights though! and nass did u not think of introducing me last night?? i know i was fucked but u could have told me! thanx for the gold anyway mate!
yes liquid gold! tryint to be subtle on the board miller!! and weights as in gym weights!! never saw allie pick anyone up so agressively before!! i think it was them vodkas he was drinkin!!
long story mate and i felt like the vet had took a liberty on me! something kicked off and steve tried to stop it and allie just barged in and fuckin lauched him out the door!!! anyway, not that long til ibiza mate!
Oh well you can just tell me about it one day at the poolside. I haven't even started saving for my spending money yet though. I think my 2 credit card's are going to get hammered during the holiday Have you got a new job yet or did you not end up getting sacked?
You also picked the worst possible photo of me Nass. :evil: :evil: Thats a rather gay pose. But its ok Nass i can get away with it, cos i know im not. However you still seem very unsure about your sexuality.
Two bad pics of me, cos I'm lurking in the background of the one of you n Crasherbiatch too! Hope you lot are gonna come see me when yr in Ibiza mind!