fans and cooling right ive come to the conclusion that i need a new fan, apart from the fact it makes a horrible noise when spinnin sometimes, lol my computer keeps restaring all the time when the cpu power is being raped, im guessin my fan isnt working properly and the machine is overheating causing it to restart itself i want to a get a program to check if the machine is to hot etc, is there any progs (freeware) that measures temps, that would enable me to find out if i need a new fan cos it is overhating? also how do i check what speed my processor is and what pentium chip i have? 1 last thing, how do i check what type of port my motherboard uses, cos i need to get a new motherboard soon too but the guy said there were 2 different types of port they fit inti and i had to find which 1 i used cheers
Re: fans and cooling U need motherboard monitor and CPU z. Both a freely available if you google them Oh and everest would be a good idea too..
Everest will tell you everything you need to know, including how hot it is at various locations inside your case. It will also tell you detailed information about your CPU and the motherboard which comes in handy. For example, here's mine: Temps (Bear in mind I've just been raping it playing Q4 ) CPU Info: You can get everest from here
u just saved my pc!! wud u think i need to get a new fan then or would there be other things to change?
Check the fan for dust.. sometimes dust clogs so hard that it stops the fan from moving. Also did u use thermal compound (paste) when applying the heatsink? Invest in a intake fan (at the front) and an exhaust fan (at the back) to gain decent airflow through the case.
can only really get a rear fan fitted cos my case is a tiny one that doesnt have any front compartments cant sort that till i get a new case any1 know a good fan i could get for the back, looking for a fairly quite one that gives excellent cooling cheers
failing that, a change of PSU may be a good option... check your existing power supply (the big sealed box above where your processor is), and see if it has a big fan on the underneath. If not, upgrading to one with (see below) will help cool things down dramatically