Fake tans… Why do people, mainly women, insist on looking like a satsuma? Its not nice, stop it, u don’t look attractive!
fake tans are shit like. if ya not tanned then ya not supposed to be and probably look better not so dont do it!!!!!
that woman is all fake............. she is orange & i mean orange!! she has crap hair extensions & fake tits!!! it's painful when she wears that pink tracksuit!!!
i know!!! she shagged sum1 in our team & the poor lads never lived it down since...........he even gets the piss taken out of him by rabbit!!!
Agreed. being a ginger nut I'm dead fair skinned, but I've never been tempted by fake tan Stick to being pale and interesting
i use sunbeds occasionally cos i really don't like being as white as i am!!! call me vain but i don't care........i make sure i don't use them too often to help combat the orange signs!!