Faciendo Radio 010: Another tribe mix put together by Dory, Desyn, Tom and balErik; again, taking in the members' wide spectrum of musical taste with the mix showcasing a blend of the old and new: FAC-RAD-010 http://soundcloud.com/faciendo/fac-rad-010-mixed-and-compiled And if you've missed the other 9 episodes you can listen to them here: http://soundcloud.com/faciendo Faciendo radio is broadcasting worldwide on the following stations: Ibiza Sonica (Spain) Amnesia FM (Ibiza) Delta FM (Buenos Aires) Proton Radio (USA) Udance (China) Prism Radio (France) Pulse radio (Australia) Tunnel FM (Sweden) Play FM (Dublin) Insomnia Fm (Global online) Ensonic radio (Canada) Radio Bee FM (Bangkok) audioboxlive.com (Canada) samurai.fm (Japan) For more information on the tribe visit: http://www.facebook.com/faciendo