F**cking NHS Yes I have converted from my former pro NHS stance to hating it. I have been in early labour for 10 DAYS....THATS A LONG TIME TO BE IN SO MUCH PAIN!!! I went to the hospital to voice my concerns and the doctor wanted to admit me straight away to get things going.....all was going well i thouht, until the doctor was told they are accepting no more inductions until October 1st because of the staff shortages. FOR. FUCKS. SAKE. This has got to be some sort of sick joke On a brighter note the anger of it has made me contract like mad and he said my waters are bulging and ready to break...so I'm going to do some star jumps and pray...and beg every god, hindu, muslim, christian and other to make something happen p.s sorry for bringing my emotional personal life onto a clubbing message board I am desperate
My sister went into labour early and had to suffer for days on end... we were all worried for her as it went on for so long... I have no idea why they didnt deliver the baby earlier, especially as she went well over the date the baby was expected. In the end she had a fat healthy baby who is now a cute ickle toddler... so there is a big plus at the end
I went to my GP coz I had a lump in the you know where. Then BANG like lightning it was removed over 3 years later! Lucky it was only a hernia! They didn't know that until the day of my 2nd operation though. Total shit! Needless to say I've now gone private (no pun intended).
awww hun, looks like your going to have to have bump for the rest of your life! I hope you remember what your feet look like! eat curries, drink cranberry juice, & sit in hot baths! then do lots of star jumps & u may have hope! fingers crossed that over night you've went into labour!
Makes u realise that the NHS don't really seem to know what they're doing - too busy complaining about how poorly paid they are and swanning off to the easy life of general practice. Thats my opinion! Have it soon pet!