Doggie, can I have your permission to see Ruth photos from the other week if she brings them to work tomorrow? She says that u dont want any1 to see them but I would mind. Just to refresh my memory a bit!!!
i was on fri tho!! & kel got a nasty pic of me on sun morn at chris's.........i is sticking my fingers up at the camera!! :spangled:
Ruth, the pics of you that I seen last nite ar nowhere near as bad as the ones of me at yvonnes house on easter sunday! The ones of Ken arent that bad either, just made me laugh lots!
it wasn;t until the hovis beret cam eout that it was noticable u were fucked..........actually i'm lying outta my arse..u were fucking trollied 4 most of the nite........then again so was i!
if its of any consolation, i showed a mate some pics last night, and that one of u n Helen was one of them, he said you were fit
sort of but i still think i look awful!! i have seen worse of me tho.....ken i'll show u those pics sumtime!