eivissa! just got back (wreaked) sharon o love mint then k - klass rob tissera ova 4 me diving n every other mint tune followed by jules (not the proper 1) then jeremy healey, scratched his way 2 the top was in heaven when he played * reminded me when tiesto droped it at creamfields ahhhh n a bit ov prodigy n red hot chilli peppers also spot on! did i mention his scratching!!! *shit wot was that song again steve help me out its an old u2 or sum old band tranced up lovin it!!
K-Class and rob tissera were mint! Sum class tunes got played, arome "hands up", over 4 me totally class!
yeah, hes suposed 2 be playin at the arena sundis bit under his real name as a warm up like kerry did
I was gonna go, but couldnt be arsed! I've got a feeling this jools fella used to play at peach @ chambers on a friday nite! Ah, some quality nites in there! Gizmo x
glad i didnt now cos went round to hang out with phil n jeff etc....n just sat on settee falling asleep wouldnt have lasted 2 minutes anywhere needing the slightest bit of energy!!! ummm...used to play peach....if so then he'll be good then... many good nites there definately!!! to be honest i miss chambers!!!!!!!! well, i miss it wen it was good!!! last few times ive been in (months and months ago) its been hidious!!!!!! any idea when/if its opening again??
Nah Pike Jools is back in his town of Nottingham!! Has been for ages.....never plays up here anymore!!!