Ever think you live in a world of nutters? the other week Shaun and I were in sheffield train station waiting for our train, and there was this bloke sat in the waiting room, and he was just sat there with a key poked in his ear it was mad, he was just sat there deathly still for absolutely ages with this key in his ear
I know someone that cleans there ear with a key coz it "can get in" - i wouldnt say its bad - ya often see people messing bout with pens, suppose there just poor man/womans cotton buds
nah it wasn't like that though he wasn't even moving it, he was honestly just sat there for ages, dead still put it this way, I reckon me and shaun had a good 20 mins to wait, and as far as I know the bloke didn't move it on a seperate note, I love sticking cotton buds in my ears, I do it every night, it's all tickly and lovely
shaun, another time months ago we were in the station cafe bit, sat at this table, and there was a bloke at the table nxt to us and he kept closing his eyes and kinda jigging his head about for ages, then having a sip of his drink, then doing it again I was pissing myself at him as well, and kept nodding over to him for you to look do you remember that as well he was a freak too it's sheffield, it's full of 'em
mind you Shaun, think back to some of the afrteparties in the park we've had people probably think stuff like that about us
hahahaa we were terrible! and that walk back to the city centre almost killed me, it took me long enough to get up! My werd! "Has anybody got any decent ring tones"
Shaun 'I can't walk' Claire 'gallop then, twice the speed of walking, but half the effort of running'
World of nutters... Once, I was sat on a bus in Middlesbrough, with Sparkles; we had just been to visit her dad, who lives in 'borough. A scruffily dressed individual got on near St Luke’s hospital, the headfuck nut bin, and sat opposite. He stared at us both for several minutes, his eyes were glassy and bulbous, he leaned forward to speak. I leaned forward to hear his words, he said 'its all flashing lights and tracksuits' then immediately got up from his seat, and alighted from the bus at the next stop. Naturally, I assumed he was out of his cracker tin. Lee.
Re: World of nutters... hahaha! don't you just love it when things like that happen? they can keep me amused for days