Evening all... How is everybody this evening?? I am looking forward to a nice chilled night in, its the first one in a while
pissed of with this fucking weather. The fact my kitchen resembles the local pool and its still 7 days till im on my jollies :evil:
and another thing im full of cold and dont have a voice ( although some people will benfit fro this ) ha ha ha ha aye i know im only renting, but when theres a spy hol to the sky and nee one coming to fix it lol i could have an open top kitchen come the mora
It all sounds like fun :shock: My land lord loves me and he always fixes and does things for me straight away
Alright down this way. Looking forward to my six weeks off work! Woo! Kids break up on thurs half a day!
i am glued to sky sport news eagerly awaiting details of big sams 1st game in charge! all be it hartlepool, tonight is the start of something magical!