European Union Are you pro Eu for or Anti EU? With a new election around the corner just thought I'd ask.
i know this might sound a bit nazi-esque but id only be FOR Europe if we were running it. the rest of Europe is turd. I dont want to be goverened overseas by people who would ge rid of our law and traditions. were fucked as it is in some parts of the UK so i dont want Jonny Foreigners sticking their oar in when their country is no palace to start with.
Agreed. I'm against it. We offer far more to other countries than they offer to us! When Poland etc joined the EU. I wonder what the ration was of people in this country moving to those places and those coming into this country. Id put money on it more came in than left!
I think the idea is good but it does not work in practise with all the vetos and bent politions. We should be apart of europe but not governed by them
aye, im all for selling and buying fro the European market but as soon as we start giving our sovereignty away then thats when its went too far.
exacto, they obvously only want us in so they can offload their fodder to us and milk our skills and resources. our government is so fucking soft its just not funny anymore i mean i hate the US government but atleast they take no shit from anyone