Euphoria Extreme that is, ive just got this 2 day!! Was wondering if any1 could fill me in on what ya call it? Cos it aint Trance and i aint been 2 Sundis yet so i not sure if its hardhouse co i always imaged it being harder than that!! Is this what i can expect at TIdy weekender?? I normally only listen 2 Trance but i getting a bit bored!!
extreme euphoria.... aye its hard house.. which one is it tho.. blue or pink?... tis a bit softer than what u get @ sundiss... but is deffo what lashes plays.
Depens which one it is, if its the first oen its hard trance and you wouldn't find it @ sundis (well maybe the odd song thrown into a warm up set)... if its the second one (and cd 2) you'd find a lot of the tunes @ sundis its blatant hard house (Paul Glazby,, Ilogik, Casper, OD404, to name but a few)...
the blue one is alot more trancier than the pink one i think...deffo the type of stuff they play at sundiss but not all nite long.
Thought the new Blue Extreme Euphoria wasn't up to much to be honest. If you like HH, you'd be better off getting something like Insomnia 3 or One from the Hardbox etc in my opinion.
I ve avoided all the Euphoria s except the very first one by PF Project... Theres way better albums out for sure... especially for hard house!
I wouldnt have said OD404/Superfast Oz was blatent hard house anymore... Certainly used to be when they were releasing on Tripoli, but now, on Kaktai/Bulletproof, its a much more of a hard trance/dance sound i reckon...