He could put a fucking glass eye to sleep, he'd probs get on well with some of the boring twats off here
he has just been talking about clippers in a hairdressers and how they should be used, he was pulling rather strange facial expressions as well, then thanked everyone for listening to him
sometimes i feel quite sorry for him, hes totally genuine and seems harmless, just a shame no one else in the house really relates to putting a chipboard in a dish washer
i also feel sorry for the bloke - cause they're all attention seeking cnuts and he seems to be the butt of everyones jokes for being naieve
did you see when he had the secret task to to and he'd just about failed it as soon as he walked out the diary room by fumbling his words and changing the reason why he'd been in there. Then half an hour later when makosi caught him out he started crying cos he'd failed the task.
Thats making me laugh just readin it.. Bless him.. I felt so sorry for him after his secret task, to be honest he wasn't really helping himself, but to feel so sorry about failing a task because other wouldn't benefit is pretty special. Not may ppl around who would feel like that. I think he should win, he probably won't but someone like him (who has other peoples best intentions at heart with all his actions) deserves to win tbh..
I don't understand how he got through the auditions. He's hardly the most strong-minded character around, and not the most fun to watch either.
I think that he got through because he is sooo different to the other personalities in there this time. He was also described as highly irritating (sp?) I also can believe Orlaith nominated him.. thats pretty bad imo..
Why is it suprising? I've missed a few this week has she been 2 faced or is it simply cos they came into the house together?