ERROR_ vs SLUMS THE WORD :: CHRISTMAS PARTY FRIDAY 21st DEC If your not already aware both ERROR_ & SLUMS THE WORD we are having a Chrismas party To celebrate we are joining hands for a bit of a christmas knees up. Along side ERROR_ resident Binni, Slums the words Chrissy G & Simon Lister we have invited Technique and immigrant founder Dave Martin. Dave was a guest at ERROR_ earlier this year and after being such a top bloke we have got him back for our final bash of 2007. Dave who's originally from Glasgow starting djing at the early age of 17 and has since went on to be one of the major players in the Leeds music scene. Recently being named in Arena magazine as an entrepreneur the city should be proud of, his contribution certainly hasn't went unseen. Dave’s love for music that is different from the norm has seen him develop a sound that takes in House, Techno and more recently the very best the Minimal scene has to offer and 7 years as a DJ and 4 years as a promoter of one of the best, forward thinking nights in the UK completes a very impressive cv. For more info please check out this link to his profile . Along with Dave will be ERROR_ resident Binni and with the absense of Scot Nicolson we have long lost friend and slums resident Chris Stoker joining Simon Lister and Chrissy G on deck duty. We hope you all can make it down for a jolly old rave.. DAVE MARTIN - IMMIGRANT - TECHNIQUE BINNI - ERROR_ SIMON LISTER - PGR - WAX ON - SLUMS THE WORD CHRISSY G - SLUMS THE WORD CHRIS STOKER - SLUMS THE WORD @ THE RED ROOMS -above the Blackett Arms, Nelson Street, NEWCASTLE 10.30PM TILL 3AM £5 BEFORE 1130PM AND NUS ALL NIGHT £8 AFTER Hope to see you all there !