ERIC PRYDZ at SHINDIG THIS WEEK - DIGITAL!! Official Statement... It has today been announced that terms have been agreed between Utopian Leisure Group and the original creators of Digital Newcastle for control and ownership to return 100% to the original owners As such all nights that withdrew from Digital Newcastle last week will return with immediate effect well.. here we go! what a feckin week!.. ok.. Shindig has sat with the guys and discussed this fully before we made the 360 degree turn.. This is going to be a good thing for Digital and all the clubs involved, it seems that the actions of the past week have made Utopian realise that full control should be given once again to original guys behind the club.. They will now be in the position to do the changes they have been wanting to make to the club for the last year but due to circumstances of the merger were tied from doing so... more information to follow i've been told.. So from Shindig .. as a gesture of goodwill for fucking around all peeps who wanted to see Eric Prydz this weekend we will be letting members in for £5 and anyone who is a member of the Shindig Newcastle facebook group who posts their name can have themselves plus a guest in for £5 also ERIC PRYDZ PLAYS SHINDIG AT DIGITAL THIS SATURDAY MEMBERS £5 ENTRY SHINDIG FACEBOOK GROUP MEMBERS £5 PLUS ONE GUEST / POST ON GROUP WALL ALL OTHERS £12 ENTRY 10:30 - 3:30AM AT DIGITAL.. !! TEXT QUEUE JUMP REQUESTS TO 07875410673
Re: ERIC PRYDZ at SHINDIG THIS WEEK - DIGITAL!! Get in..... great idea:clap: more money for :beer: :finger:
If people are texting queue jump requests PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME IN THE TEXT MESSAGE OR WE DUNNO WHO YOU ARE.. ffs