Embarassing moments with family Today I decided to wear my tshirt that says 'Aliens are coming' and has pictures of aliens in different sexual positions on it. Today was also the day that my Grandma decided to compliment me on my tshirt before taking a closer look! Thankfully she didn't realise what was on it and I was able to make a quick escape. For a moment it was so embarassing tho!!!!!
Re: Embarassing moments with family haha, unlucky! most embaressin one i know of was when i was little so little i cant remember sayin this (must stress that point, I CANT REMEMBER) but i was told we went to this farm place to go on the horsies. Anyway this big black stallion was waitin around and ithought he was havin a crap... so i shouted for every1 to look at it.... unfortunately it wasnt havin a crap, in fact he was gettin canny excited about summit or other haha! WOOOPS!
I also sent this really rude email to a lecturer by accident once bcos he had the same surname as my mate did!
nowt seroius really, just pics of me and my bro's in da bath 2gether wen i was little, but my lil bro nearly cought me doin it wif my girlie?!!!!!
Not quite as harsh, but I walkin behind me dad going into a petrol station when he mistook a glass windows for an automatic door and clattered straight into it. The Garage was packed, evreone was laughing and the to add further embarisment he went inside and had a massive barny with the woman serving, about it. I made a quick escape back to the car.
and this one time, at band camp..... i was sittin on the metro when i was only ickle, and i sat next to this little old lady. i was talkin to her for a bit, and at the end of the conversation i asked her for a kiss, the bewildered old lady obliged and kissed my cheek. i threw a hissy fit and told her she had to kiss me on the lips, the old woman obliged again, and when she had, i stood up on the seat and shouted "and now ive got your lipstick on" i dont know who was more embarrased.
loosy is the maddest of them all, thats why i love her ok, my mams a bit of a nutter, shes funny as fuck, and we were in a pub in dublin and every1 was trying to decide what drink they wanted (every1 being me, my mam, and about 7 of her mates) they wouldnt make up their mind and you could tell the bar man was getting really frustrated so my mam shouted "right, now tell me what you's want and dont change ure mind" so they decided and my mam turned round to the bar man and said...... "right, im really sorry about that but we've all just had a mass debate, and we want.............." the bar man pissed himself laughing and my mam went beetroot, it got round that pub like wild fire and later on some random bloke came over and said "excuse me ladies, but next time you order a drink, can i watch?" classic!!
and this other time we were shopping at asda and we came out into the car park to put the stuff in the car, we were walking round looking for our car for ages and couldnt find it anywhere, this lady came over to us and said "excuse me, u seem a bit lost, is everything ok?" by this time my mam was in a right panick and said "i think my cars been pinched" so the lady asked us what kinda car we had, "a green renault" my mam said. the women suggested she went to the top of the car park and started looknig and we started at the bottom, so we did. about half way up my mam stopped dead in her tracks and just mutterd "oh shit" when i asked her what was wrong she looked at me sheepishly and said "ive brought ure car today kerry, not mine" so we started putting the stuff into the back of my red fiesta, while this woman was still looking and then we jumped in and drove away, but as we were driving away the woman spotted us and she just gave us this disgusted look as if we had just pinched another car!!!!
haha, so u not in asdas good books then!!! As uve mentioned shoppin, was this time was at safeways wit me ma and we spotted the bargain trolly........ so as u do u start shiftly lookin through as if your not rally a cheapskate! Than all of a sudden this wifey comes over and says "Can i help u?" we were like "NO??!!" and started pullin stuff out, she grabs the trolley and says, its mine and walks off!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!!!!!!!! she was the biggest cheapskate of them all cos her trolley was full of all the cheap shit!
and this is the last one im guna tell you! me and my mam had just been out for a drink in the town, and we were in the taxi on the way back, and she was, lets say pleasently pissed (aka mortal drunk) and when we got to my house she looked at the meter and it said 23.40, a taxi from town to my house should only cost around £9 so she started shouting at the taxi driver, saying "theres no way im paying that, are you taking the piss???" he kept trying to intterupt her but she got out the taxi and was stood protesting against the high price. "im not paying that, thats rediculous!!!" she was shouting. "but pet......" he tried to interrupt "no, im sorry, but there is no way im paying that!!!" "no" he said "thats the time pet" mothers eh!!! now u can all see where i get it from!!! shes a classic tho!