'elp ive just got norton internet security but it wont let msn work.. anyone know how 2 set it up?... and yeh i know im useless
Re: 'elp ummm off top of my head cant guide ya thru it m8 soz. basically its blocking the ports msn uses. u need to allow traffic thru. there maybe a wizard to select the applications u wanna allow to have incoming.outgoing connections to the net with norton? cant really remember tho
that's basically a firewall innit??? you'll have to find out what port MSN is trying to use then open that port in Norton....... or try deinstalling and re-installing MSN cos it'll probly use any number of possible ports....... or see if Norton has a security log or summik..... might tell you there what post MSN was trying to use and got blcked on, then just open that port and bingo ............. hopefully
tis rite m8. norton is basically blockin the port(s) that msn is tryin to use. need to allow traffic thru somehow. could check the logs to see wot ports its blockin....but am sure theres sum sort of wizard u can use to allow certain programs to access the net etc............
if its internet security 2002, simply open the main window, click on personal firewall, then on internet access control... it will show you a list of every program on ur comp that attempts to access the net... simply browse until u find microsoft MSN messenger, and change its setting to permit all... sorted Hope that helps!! :groovy: