hope scratt gets the pm i sent him before he arrives! anyone up for going to a rave with us while he's here?
aye ello matey.. heard a bit aboot u from godscrasher... shud b a crackin weekend like... but rnt u here 2 weeks?
Scratt avrrives here on Wed 25th Sept,nxt week.Gonna pick him up from the airport,got me holidays in,well for what av got left anyhow. he aint stayin in Newcastle for the whole month aswell.Coz he's gona be travelling the country,see-ing his auntie and that,but while he's here,he's gonna have the time of this life.
isnt it... talk 2 the hand cos the face aint listenin.. then in an annoying american voice 'girlfriend' or maybe im wrong.. incase i didnt post this