eLegal Highs Anybody ever had anything from them? They had a stall last nite at Tall Trees, and they were selling all sorts of stuff...including salvia Anyway, being a non-drug user myself I thought id give something a bash, couldnt hurt...."try these mate, they are class, will give u a mint buzz, they are the closest thing you can get to E within the law" They did FUCK all Laughing gas though Actually im suprised they are allowed to sell all that stuff in the club, it might be legal but some people were well wrecked off the gas, plus whatever theyd had, some right states
Its probs cheaper to buy the real things, least then you know your gonna get ya faced kicked to fuck like its been flagging taxi's down with it
you might as well just take the real thing. Theres probably just as much shit in those 'legal' ones....
legal highs are a scam, ive tried salvia before, and it was foul and didnt work at all. I've heard the high concentration extract works if u smoke it thru a pipe, but FX only last about 20 mins.
Salvia WILL give one of the most potent drug effects out there, an order of magnitude above shrooms or LSD for certain, way more hardcore than the common club drugs in terms of the intensity of the effects. It is hard to smoke, however: in my experience you need the following: 1) extract, preferably 10x or more - the leaves are not potent enough unless you are very sensitive or have cast iron lungs to take awful hits, and 2) a short pipe or empty bong to get the gas straight into your lungs. Anyone doubting this is straight up wrong ( no disrespect implied - it is difficult to do right ). Give 10x a crack, taking large, hard hits consecutively, and you will be in another world entirely. I know we have had this out before, but I feel it's worth telling people Harry
well, it didnt work for me but the extract i tried was quite weak. One of my mates who it did work on said that everything he could see turned into 2-D and that everthing he was near and around became like a pop-up book for about 25 mins