Electro Reminds me of Amiga music and especially the Turrican theme music. Just thought I share that with you Oldies: Remember when you used to get "Arcade theme music" tapes free on Spectrum magazines?!?!?! hahaha Im going to put my "Outrun" tape on now.......
theres a night in london where they take along old computers and consoles and use them to do the music... ...how it works though ive got no idea nintendisco music i think they refer to it as hahaha
Before you could buy cd mix's I used to tape music from my Amiga and listen to it on my "walkman". The first mix cds I came across where the Journeys By DJ series years later...... CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?!
Re: Electro 'YS' or 'Your Sinclair' - i've still got a tape somewhere - i fucking loved it... i think it's got stuff like shinobi, silk worm, double dragon 2 ( not a patch on the original ) , there's loads on it... ooooo i'm going to find it over xmas and get it's MP3'd - i'll had it ready for download!!!!!!!!!
i'm almost positive this is the tape i have : ftp://ftp.worldofspectrum.org/pub/sinclair/magazines/SinclairUser/Issue092/SUCover092.jpg what a site!! http://www.sincuser.f9.co.uk/
hahaha iv d/led the Starglider music from that site!! its better than a Mylo set!! check out the spec synth drums!!