Eivissa Dj Comp! Im on for the second round this SATURDAY, if anyone can come and support, it would be appreciated, got new rules now uve gotta take loads of mates for more points and ive got none lol might even play ur fav song so if ur not going to lees come down or if anyones going to lees but later come down then u can give me a lift there *end of speech*
set: three drives, air traffic avb, communication questia, crystal clouds (vincent de moor mix) ian knowles, united as one tiesto, traffic baltes vs stevens, lost in space neon lights, not over yet (steve hill mix) ferry corsten, rock your body rock martyn hare, gale force for all u's that knew the other lad turned up turned out to be my half brother then we both got through :s
That's well weird! Well done anyways dude, sorry I couldn't get down, you understand though, I'll be at the semi's though!!