could i plug it into a laptop? (sorry not very clued up with all this digital dj'ing just yet) if so £40
u can plug it into a laptop but your laptop has 2 have the softwear 4 it n the hard drive?? a mac laptop wud b perfected
that is all wrong. you dont need any software and it certainly does not need to be a mac. infact, you could run the signal from a telly with a headphone socket and be able to make the efx fuck it up 40 quid is a good price, i paid about that for mine. i use it for collecting dust these days.
i used to hook up to me tr909 via the midi when dj'n , sold it , wish i hadnt , il give u £40 like jase says , ,
dnt no me sel just got told that while i was on b4?dnt have a laptop me sell so wud not no Good price is near £100,they go 4 more on ebay,but its gone now 4 £80 me m8 got a shit mixer