Editing sound in MOV/AVI

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Mar 31, 2005.

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  1. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Editing sound in MOV/AVI

    I'm contemplating putting a few of the videos I have from promise and goodgreef onto my website but I took them with my digital camera and the mic on it doesnt like the bass one little bit. I've converted the files from the default .MOV (quicktime) to .avi using the divx or xvid codec to lower the filesizes etc. The only problem I have with them is the amount of bass.. it's pretty horrible and drowns out the other sounds quite a bit. It's the same in all formats.

    What program(s) could I use to edit this and lower the bass etc? and what will I need to edit because when i play the .MOV in quicktime u can lower the bass and treble with a simple up/down slider but it seems if i lower the treble right down and up the bass to max I get a clearer (but still very basey) sound.

    I know the best option would be to get a camera with a better quality mic but I'm not going to. Any software that can help me out will be well appreciated.

  2. 1615634792921.png

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