Eddie Izzard Ne1 popping to the arena to see him 2night? i am along with 2 sisters and a brother in law...hes not my favourite comedian by far but its been years since i seen stand up live so im looking forward to it!!!
my brother (julias twin) and my other sister are going... not my cupaa though - cake or death - neither
Would love to have gone, nearly got some tickets too One of me flatmates and a few mates from back home are going so no doubt I will hear all about it! The mans a legend tho, well funny - intelligent political humour aswell
He's not gay... he's a transvestite e.g. wears womens clothes. In his own words 'male lesbian', he openly admits to fancying women.
I was thinking you were gay, the way you are constantly on about it... but then I realised most gay men have sense. Just because someone puts womens clothes on doesn't make them gay... ask your dad
Didn't even know this was on. Not my favourite comedian but should've been good all the same. Ah well, probably extortionate prices for tickets anyway
The man's well talented, and absolutely hilarious. I'm well impressed he actually tours France and performs his whole act in french too!!
The Hyena's not too bad. Been to some brilliant open-mic type nights there, and also seen a few comedians whose names i didn't know but they turned out to be quality. City Hall gets quite a few stand-ups now and then too.
hes fukkin class.... blantantly get fukked b4 his shows....hes sniffing all the way through.... cake........or death!?
I went last night and really enjoyed it......the only fault IMO was the venue was too big for a comedian. And..Iany......calling eddie izzard a puff and saying he takes it up the arse..then saying chubby is his favorite comedien...that really says a lot!!!
Now now, come on... you have to let the pond life have a say or this country might be in danger of becoming civilised