e-bay i'm bidding for a record on ebay at the moment...but it ends this time tomorrow...when i will be at work. are there any good programmes which will help me win even if i'm not at my computer to up my bids myself? i've only used it a couple of times before so i aint no expert!
Just make ur top bid like £50 or something. (Obviously if your willing to pay that much). You'll only pay that much if someone else is willing to go that high, ie outbid you.
yeah but then i don't really want to pay more than £20, but if i put that up as my max bid now...they have a whole day to up theirs too...but i'm sure there must be some programme around that will do this for you at the last minute?!?!
revel has pointed me in the direction of the right programme! she will be mine..oh yes...she will be mine!
na..it's only at £12.50..but if i whack mine up to £20 straight away, then some other hip-hop junkie might bid £21 and i won't be here to up mine...so i'm just gona set up this sniper thing!
On the other hand if someone puts a couple of bids in and don't become high bidder cos of your higher bid, it sometimes scares people off. Horses for courses an all that.