dump of physical memory was just using my pc, on the net and all of a sudden blue screen with loadsa text then at the bottom said 'beginning dump of physical memory' and started counting 1,2,3,4 etc etc shit meself pressed restart, wouldnt let me restart as it couldnt find whatever it boots itself from. switched off at wall. turned on again n it seems fine. its done this before but hasnt happened for a few months. anyone know what it was?? or could it be a number of things? duno what would have happened if i'd let it continue physical memory dump:spangled: wish i knew more about computers!! any help would be much appreciated
Re: dump of physical memory Basically your machine has blue-screened due to some sort of serious error within windows. When it does this some configurations of windows then dump the entire contents of your machines memory to disk to allow you to work out what happened. Make sure you're running all the most recent drivers for your PC. Get memtest86 and test your memory with it. Make sure there are no hardware conflicts on your machine. If that doesn't work, try turning off or removing any hardware you're not using.
cheers for that last night i ran the pc in safe mode n ran a virus check, it picked up a virus: WSNInst.exe deleted that n turned off sytem restore etc n it seems to be ok for the moment! will get that memtest86 n run that as well thanks
In future dont switch off when its running the memory dump, it is your friend Above this though, there would have been an error, for example: STOP: 0x0000008E (0x000000CF, 0x0000005E) (totally made that up before the anti geek bridage strike) This code will give you a better idea of what the problem is when you search on microsoft.com If more problems happen it may be worth using the windows recovery console and running the chkdsk /r command This will find and repair problems.
It means Home Did you know that by using the address for loopback testing, the RFC wiped out 16,777,215 potential public IP addresses, because 127.X.X.X addresses are not routed Bit of a booboo really
indeed, god help us....will need to learn it all again! Instead of 32 bit its 128 bit...thats 16 octets! And it's gona be done in Hex isnt it? Can't wait... By the way Conway, what do you 'do'?
I'm an MSc student and part-time DJ And yep - we're gonna have to learn the whole lot from scratch. Even the packet structure has changed so I'll have to learn packet crafting all over again
The same line as me! I had looked at a course like that but Im just gona get a job and do part time course. My next goal I think will be the MCSE
Fuck the MCSE, go for the masters mine was only an extra year and you get to piss about with loads of linux shite
Computers : not big and not clever. Plus, girls dislike u for liking them. Take my word for it. Leave them alone. it's too late for me - but you nerds are young, grab life, drop the hex editor and take up wrought iron metal working chicks dig it.
I know I dont stand in bars talking about RAID arrays you know "Yes well no wonder it didnt work! The kernel was recompiled with the wrong RAID driver.......drink?"