driving lessons can anyone recomend a good driving school, im looking to do a block booking and get it done in 2 weeks if i could
i took lessons a couple of years ago and passed my theory and that, then i have driven scooters and the drove a car a few times while in ibiza and on the roads here so im pretty confident, would say i need at least 15 hours like,
Sooner Uk gets P plates the better. In Australia after you have had your learners license for 6 months, you can put P plates on your car and drive by yourself (with restrictions mind, like zero tolerance on alcohol and speeding, and number of passengers in your car). Means robbing bastard driving schools can't charge what they like, and everyone gets an opportunity to drive, not just those who can afford lessons
Tip for the 'new' hazard perception section of the test - click if something moves, and then click again if it becomes a hazard! I went with the AA - and cannot recommend them enough. I'm not sure how much of the praise is for the actual instructor I had, but apart from the price, they were excellent.