Driving for the first time after passing ya test Mint, Im back to driving like a complete twat already and without a rear view mirror - it fell off Went out for a play on my own, then had to drive my nan - bet she was shitting herself Freeeeeeedom
Re: Driving for the first time after passing ya test maybe it was the hardhouse you had on in the stereo that she didnt like. "listen to this nan its a guyver mix of how much is that doggy in the window"
sorry my knowledge of hard house is pretty limited ,id rather the firing squad used me as target practice than listen to it . hope your driving goes ok thou
I went to pick my friend up from work the first time i went out bymyself after passing my test, i was waiting for her in the car park with the radio on and the engine off, when she got in the car i tried to turn the engine on and the battery was flat.. She had to go and get her boss to push the car while i jump started it and ran over his foot
Oh no! How embarassing Was quite relieved when my mate told me that rear view mirrors are always falling off at this time of year ... wasnt looking forward to telling my nan
It's a mint feeling driving by yourself after passing your test- I loved being in the car on my own, and being able to listen to music! As soon as I got home after passing my test I got straight into my car and drove round to my fellas
yeah guyvers hard trance hes good, the stuff hannah listens to is proper nails its scary well done hannah, that mean you coming up here more often now
I loved passing my test, couldnt wait to get out on my own in my little mini metro, its mint having the freedom to go where u want........ 7 years ive been drivining now....God that makes me feel so old