download speed how do you get optimum download speed when downloading from a website? i've got a 512kb connection, yet things are downloading at 15kb/s at times, and the most seems to be 36kb/s. i'm not running any other programs, nor am i using the net in another browser. what speed should i be getting? and are there any settings i could change to optimise download speed? cheers muchly
sounds about right. When i had 512kn max dload rate I ever got was approx 40k. Am on 2mb connection now and most i've had is just over 200k.
i could've sworn it used to be much faster than this. bloody rubbish must be gettin to used to the net at work!!
ok you have a 512kbps (kilabits per second) Dowwnloads or mesuared in KBps As in kilabytes not bits so you have a max download speed of 64 KBps on a 512kbps line as there are 8 bits in a byte
Also its not just dependant on your speed its dependeant on the web server you downloading from the upload speed of the webservers net connection and net trafic not to mention the fact the net runs over TCP/IP which at its best can only utalise 40% of its bandwidth for the flow on the acualy data due to overheads and the way the packets are send and checked
Its very good in internet terms go back to dial up and see hwat speeds you get then.. maybe 5 or 6KPps
You should be getting faster than that though when on 512 i used to get around 52kb/s and on 1mb i get around 103kb/s
thats still only 2400kbps on a 3072kbps line as i said its impossible to max it due to overheads, eroor checking and traffic
at least he's only losing 1/6th approximately. whereas i'm losing about half. been googling to see if i can find any info on optimising speed n regedit seems to be the thing to use, seems complicated and i don't wana fuck my comp up can't find some of the things it tells you to change anyhoo
Remeber its also about WHERE you are downloading from there is nothing you can do about that..... It like if i was downlaoding from my nextdoor neigbour it would be fast but download from the USA and it will prob go about 20 hops over the net meaning 20 busy backbone routers and all the traffic etcetc
And the contention rates if you us ADSL and the amount of people on BB in your area if you are cable, all dependend on your ISP!
i suppose like, just have to live wth it for the time being. are there any basic settings worth changing to make a difference?
p.s. it's football manager 06 demo that i've been downloading didn't realise it was available till i read the thread!! the full version was gona take something daft like 5 hours
Jobbi download somet off a british server and tell us the speed. when i had 512k i used to get about 56kb/s. now im on a test line and can get anywhere from 3000kb's to about 300