double CD has ne1 ever seen a double cd, where the cds are in seperate cases, inside a cardboard sleeve, and next to each other, not on top of each other? if so...send me dimensions....PLEASE
Do u mean two normal cd cases inside a cardboard sleeve??? Is is the dimensions for one of those u want???
yoo mean like the crasher ones?... where the cd's are in single cd cases.. and havea cardboard cover.. or the global undergroud ones... havea look in hmv... or on the website.. i'll finds u a pic
Re: double CD u mean like the latest crasher release album ? (but obviously only with 2 cd's) if so why dont u just measure the dimensions of one of the cd cases and take it off overall dimensions of the cardboard sleeve ?
the danny T global underground 20 (london) CD is like that.. but ive lost the cover and im at work, sorry *awaits shock of board that i listen to anything less than 160bpm*
i think i know what u mean now.. dimensions cardboard cover - 250mm * 120 mm * 5mm cd cover front cover - 120mm*120mm back cover - 12mm then 5mm for the side each
pah... im gonna buy m8mag when i get outta yoonee .. so we can see out uglee mugs.... i need 2 borow ur digicam 2night as well.. porn shoot @ mine..
wud that b porn with the liverpuddlien midget or donkey girl? and no u cant borrow my camera...not unless u give me my sub and my scanner back 1st